
About the Upcoming Next-Level Version of TheSource App and How I Got a Beautiful Second Chance

About the new version of the app: What would you do if you had the chance to remake old choices, but this time from a place of love instead of fear?

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The Call of the Soul: How My Midlife Point Awakened Me

Feel welcome to join me on a journey, through the fear, to a field of infinite possibilities, and discover the whisper of your soul

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How can we serve?


How can we serve?

How a profound transformation became possible through systemic work and constellations and how I can serve others now

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On a Journey... into the unknown

About an unpredictable journey filled with insights, emotions, and self-discovery

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Mum, I knew you were going to get a divorce before you did

Acknowledging what is. The highest good. This is the most empowering thing, and he showed me, so clearly.

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A message to my children

When consciousness grows, new insights arise. It's time to acknowledge what was in order to make a new start.

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Take your place, Eve

This invitation to take my place came at exactly the right time. It is about filling my spot with passion and deciviness; here I am. I stay.

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Flow gently with your stream, paddles in, sun on your face. Go like a river.

My paddles in. Sinking into the flow and trusting the infinite stream of Wisdom. The Wisdom that is always there and with which I am constantly in contact. In every now-moment.

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All we have to do, is ask

Ask and it is given. So when I asked, it was unstoppable. My journey had begun. For inspiration, I am happy to share about it.

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How I took the leap into something completely new

What set me on this path? What triggered the journey in me? I really needed something that set me off. What that was? You can read it here.

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How this journey started for me

This whole thing didn't come about by chance. It has been a process of discovery. My journey began at a clear point in time, my midlife point, around my 40th birthday. That’s where it started… Or: that’s when I became aware that it had always been happening.

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