Blog post

The art of slowing down

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How Creation becomes Integration

Living it all.
Embodying it.
Oh, what a process this is.

That was my intention for this journey that is unfolding so beautifully.
It’s a reflection of the journey within me.
The journey to my Essence.
The journey of letting go of everything that holds me back here.
The journey of seeing through the illusion and playing the game with more and more lightness and joy—
because it’s just a game.

But oh, for my survival parts, it feels so real.
Yes, that’s part of it too; otherwise, the game wouldn’t be as fun.
And then you encounter all kinds of things—
beautiful mirrors and processes in themselves.
They are all shining gifts waiting to be unwrapped.
Mirrors showing where I still experience lack, mirrors pointing to what I need to see.
And I do. I look.

While at the same time, I feel this enormous download constantly flowing through me.
It wants to move through me, and it wants to take form.
I truly enjoy giving it form.
Form in meditations. In stories. In sharing. In images. In words.
They are all carriers of information.

And then there’s the human form.
Time and space.
Who even came up with that?
Oh my… that in itself is a journey.

Letting the information flow through me.
Writing. Recording. Editing. Refining. Adding texts. Opening systems. Finding the right places. Uploading. Checking.
And doing it all in two languages.

It’s a process in itself.
And it slows me down.

One topic after another presents itself, and I could keep writing.
For hours. Days.
I feel like I could write the rest of the CoreTrack in one go.
And many more side paths, standalone courses.

But then… stop.

Write a little.
And now speak the words. Let them resonate through me. Bring the energy into them.
Let the energy flow.
In English and Dutch.
Programming it twice as deeply into myself.

And even as I feel the next topic already rising, I slow down even more.
Because the audio needs editing.
Removing imperfections. Fine-tuning. Inviting the music in.

There are tools, luckily,
but it requires my own consciousness—
to stay present with love and move through it.

This is my integration time.
This is my slowing down.

And topics keep flowing through:
series of meditations, exercises, information…
It presents itself and asks for care.
It’s the processing of my own journey, my own life.
It’s the manifestation, the form, of a process I am immersed in.

And I am not unique.
We are all part of a collective.
So what we do for ourselves, we do for the collective.

And from that bigger perspective, there is no time.
No rush.
No pressure.
No lack.

Because from my human self—my avatar—
I cannot oversee the whole process.
In the slowing down, new puzzle pieces emerge.
Ah! This was meant to be included too.
Integration time, slowing down;
it’s exactly the point.

That’s how it unfolds.

It takes shape in the CoreTrack
and also in separate side paths.
All of it will be visible in the new version of the app soon.
And everything needed for it aligns so beautifully.

And all I can do is follow my impulses.
Taking steps every day.
Moving forward every day.
Sometimes unlocking a large part of the path.
Sometimes standing still, looking around.
Maybe walking back a little.
Listening again.

Standing still isn’t regression.

Standing still is slowing down,
It’s integrating.
And allowing awareness to grow.

Standing still is observing,
where is this leading?

And it helps so much to do this together,
to create this together.
Knowing we hold this space collectively.
Sharing, exchanging, receiving, giving.
It’s all the same.

So what emerges in this form is so much more than ‘an offering,’
a service,
something that needs to be done.
It’s far from that.
It’s a beautiful co-creation.
It’s a reflection.
It’s consciousness.
It’s a frequency.
It’s a lighthouse.
It simply stands.
It simply is.

Available for anyone drawn to it.
For anyone who feels it resonates—
especially in these times.
Especially now.

A beautiful realization.

Last week, during a conversation, I suddenly saw it.

He shared with me about his journey.
About his life.
About how his work is changing.
About how he’s doing a trainer’s course, going deep into the craft.
And he said, “It helps me in my own process to stand firm. I need to stand strong for myself so I can hold the space for the group.”

And suddenly, I saw it:

He—his Higher Consciousness—
is creating this situation for him,
for the avatar,
to take steps in his personal growth.
It’s not about being a trainer.
It’s not about how you fill your days or what you do for a living.
It’s that your Higher Consciousness—
the operator behind the computer—
creates exactly what will move you forward on your path of growth.
If you choose it.
If you dare to surrender
and don’t let your human mind—
your avatar’s limited view—
get stubborn trying to figure it out all by itself.

And suddenly, I saw it for myself:

Spending my days with The Source App…
It’s a tool, an instrument,
to be in this energy of Source again and again.
To look from this perspective over and over.
To dissolve my own programming more and more
to become an increasingly clear channel.

That’s what the energy is.
That’s what it brings.

And maybe… that’s also what brought you here.

To read this.

To feel this.

To remember.