Guide to your
Divine Essence

Daily support to free yourself from limitations, meet your true potential, and live a life full of purpose, joy, and freedom.

Start your journey

Meditation for accepting your True Divine Self in a completely new way
Meditation for accepting your True Divine Self in a completely new way
Meditation to feel loved and supported by new Divine Source Abundance, all around you
Meditation to feel loved and supported by new Divine Source Abundance, all around you
Prayer for endless Divine support in these times of transition
Prayer for endless Divine support in these times of transition
Meditation to experience your Spirit Family, always right here with you
Meditation to experience your Spirit Family, always right here with you
Meditation to experience your True Divine Essence as Love. This is the frequency that brings you back home.
Meditation to experience your True Divine Essence as Love. This is the frequency that brings you back home.
Prayer to ask for more than enough
Prayer to ask for more than enough

Reach the core

A structured approach with an audio, a gift, every day, ensures that you can reprogram your limiting beliefs from the root and at your own pace.


You are able to clear blocks, fears and trauma from your mind and body, so that you experience the connection with your Higher Self powerfully.

Step into your power

Through this connection, you remember your true power and you can start to create your life from a completely new perspective and the highest frequency possible.

The major problem that you solve.

Do you recognize this?

  • I feel stuck and don’t know which direction to take.
  • It feels like I’m lost in my own life.
  • The same patterns keep repeating, and I don’t know how to break free.
  • Fear is holding me back from truly doing what I deeply desire.
  • I feel small and powerless, as if I have no control.
  • I don’t know why I’m here or what my purpose is.
  • I feel alone and fear that I’m not enough or might be abandoned.
  • I sense there’s more, but I just can’t grasp it.

Pay what you want.

'Pay what you want' is a beautiful way to express your appreciation.
No strings attached. Experience it. Feel the shift within you. And exchange energy in a way that suits you.


Read more

How it works

Step 1

Create an account.

Step 2

Listen to the daily audio in 10-20 minutes.

Step 3

Feel the relief and start creating the life you truly want.


Start your journey

Door jouw sessies voel ik de connectie met mezelf en met iets groters. Ik geniet elke dag van wat je brengt, je stem en de rust die je uitstraalt. Dit werk is zo nodig en ik ben dankbaar dat jij het naar de wereld brengt.


Evelien, jij bent een documentaire maker. Heerlijk hoe je je stem gebruikt en je menselijke inbreng. Terug grijpen op je eigen ervaringen, af en toe een lachje, maar vooral heel duidelijk.


Wonderful wonderful course so far! Exactly what I needed. I’m on the 3 rd session and I can’t wait for more ♥️ Thank you so much.


Evelien, wat een warme en verzachtende lessen heb je mij laten ervaren. En ben pas bij les 6, dank je wel...


I am finding this experience to be revelatory. Calming and exciting. Today I am off early and don’t have time to reflect here, but I will carry this new sensation if possibilities with me today. Great way to start a day! Thank you. Until tomorrow…


Ook het genieten van de meditaties en het leven zelf - zoals jij het leeft en beschrijft- is zo voelbaar en is zo'n 'gift' voor ons, voor de wereld... een gift van Divine Flow en Onvoorwaardelijke Liefde.


Dank je wel Evelien. Heerlijk. Ik kom weer een beetje bij uit mijzelf. Deze meditatie gaat weer heel diep en voelt helend warm liefdevol en zacht .


Lieve Evelien, zo fijn om met jouw prachtige stem 's ochtends weer wakker te worden ❤️


Lieve Evelien, dankjewel voor dit kado.


Evelien has travelled this path herself which gives her teachings complete authenticity. I can't recommend her enough and am personally massively grateful for our connection.


Vanmorgen dag 2 geluisterd, heeeeeel fijn om het door jou zo verteld te krijgen, zo helder en fijn.


Prachtige meditatie weer vanmorgen. Ik werd direct meegenomen door de hele zachte fragiele doorzichtige lichte tonen van de muziek van Frits waar jou stem heel licht doorheen geweven werd als één geheel. Zo voelde het.


Evelien practices techniques that embrace traditional psychology, spirituality, meditation, quantum physics and intuition, all with the purpose of releasing deep rooted mental blocks and limiting beliefs, thereby enabling connection with higher self and finding ones true purpose in this life.


Wat een pareltje, diamantje van een meditatie. Ik heb hem drie keer gedaan en de tranen blijven maar stromen.


Wauw, net les 2 beluisterd. Wat een impact op me. Dank je, Evelien, dat je me meeneemt op deze fascinerende reis. Je hebt een fijne stem, voel me vertrouwd en durf me daardoor ook open te stellen. De informatie zet alles op zijn kop, maar kom maar op. Wil het graag weten.


Evelien is a truly brilliant teacher and teaches with great wisdom, generosity, a beautiful spirit and genuine love. She has a remarkable gift for getting to the heart of the matter and making deep dives into consciousness that are effortless.


Promise 1

New inspiration every day.

Promise 2

Being guided. Step by step. you raise your vibration.

Promise 3

You are in charge: you choose your own journey, based on what's going on in your life.

The journey

step by step to freedom and awareness

The Source journey guides you over the course of a year,
taking one step each day toward inner freedom
and a deeper connection with your True Self.

The Core Path
Follow a structured journey in three phases:

1. Awakening

Discover who you truly are and connect with your Essence.

2. Navigating

Learn tools to consciously live your human experience from a complete different perspective.

3. Mastery

Free yourself from limitations and live your highest potential.

Each phase brings you closer to a life of peace, abundance, and connection.

The side paths

Dive into specific themes such as relationships, finances, health, and more—at your own pace and tailored to your unique needs.

Every day, you are gently guided, step by step, to align with the energy of Source, release limiting programs, and create a life that truly fits you.

Ready to live a life aligned with who you truly are?

Take the first step now and discover how transformative this journey can be for you.