About me

Hi! My name is Evelien. In my daily life I support people as a certified mental fitness- coach, a systemic family- and organisation constellator and trauma healer. I also express Universal Cosmic Source energy in meditations and courses. I have been on my own journey of discovery and consciousness expansion, which opened me up to this Universal frequency.

I love sharing this with whomever resonates with this.

If you do, you will connect to this Source frequency, supersede the human limiting conditioning, and get to create your own reality in alignment with your Higher Consciousness and Divine Purpose.

And from here, 
you can receive every day more love, 
more heart and soul connection ,
more fun and more abundance.
Together, we can also inspire others around us to do the same .

It is my deep desire to be this energy, every moment of the day. And within this space I love to meet you.

So: welcome!
And thank you for being here.