Blog post

How I took the leap into something completely new

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What set me on this path?
What triggered the journey in me?
By now, I know that it was simply me.
Not my ‘human’ self, because that self wants to maintain control, and this is a process of letting go. Surrendering. Surrendering to whom? To my Higher Self. To the Divine Mind, working through me. But I didn't get there just like that. I needed signposts. Signposts that my Higher Self had perfectly set up for me. My heart said, ‘yes, that way!’. I followed what made my heart sing… that was how the ‘Divine Mind’ showed me the way through me. And continues to do so.

But this is how it started:

The opening of myself to much deeper layers of our existence began when a coach pointed me to the music of Frits Evelein on YouTube. Through him, I found an online webinar by Hyacintha Kraidy about the Divine Plan and the place of this Earth in the Universe. Frits and she were both students of Caroline Cory. The information and energy they brought triggered something incredible in me. Everything in my entire body and heart said: 'Yes! This is it! This is what I was searching for'. Even though it was mainly unconscious. A feeling. Not something I knew with my mind.

My mind went wild: 'This is not right'. 'This can't be'. 'Is this allowed?'. 'What will others think?' And so on. And my heart was clear: I couldn't help but say ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ And that feeling… I came home...

Home with Frits, Hyacintha, or Caroline? Oh no! It was home with myself. Through their signposts, I found my Self. My Higher Self. I found the link back to my Creator. Not in theory, not in my mind, but in deep feeling and experiencing. And bam! Everything opened up and my reality changed so incredibly fast. This was my treasure.

I started doing everything I came across. All the meditations, trainings, courses from Hyacintha, from Caroline. Every day. With immense dedication. Because this is who I am. This is what makes me so happy. This comes directly from my soul.

And Caroline Cory brings something in her Omnium method that I haven't found anywhere else. This is beyond this Earth and the matrix we are in here. This is Source. With a purity and precision that resonates deeply with me. This is the link I have found. I am Home. Here as well. Fully here. As a human. And I feel in all my cells that there is so much more. That I am so much more. And that I can connect with that. At any moment.

Caroline says:

When we want to create Heaven on Earth, our starting point must be Heaven (Source) and not Earth.

And so it is. So that is my starting point. My focal point. Always.
Where attention goes, energy flows.
Where do I want to tune my energy to? That was the question.

And that created a framework for me. A 'framework' within which I can re-program myself, where things can be healed and resolved, where I always return to that place of connection with the Creator, to the highest possible frequency available to me at that moment.

And also a framework where everything else that came my way and to which I also said a full 'Yes!', fits in. Everything has its function in that framework, in that whole.

Oh, I am a sponge. Every time something 'clicks', I get so happy. And especially everything about the 'nature of this reality' and how we can powerfully operate in it with our consciousness, as co-creators. Creators of our reality. Powerful and in surrender.

Powerful in intention and focus. Soft in trust, in surrender, in unfolding, knowing that the best always happens. No matter how it looks at first glance.

This focus increasingly enables me to be in the world and at the same time feel that deep connection with Source. So I am in the world but not of it. In many moments.

Always? No, of course not. It is an endless process of discovering, playing, and growing. And of experiencing contrast. When you are out of it, you can also feel what it is to be in it, right?

It is my intention to pass on something from this enormous gift. In energy. In love. In simply being myself.

Because that is exactly what we came for: to be ourselves.

So that is my wish and intention for you as you read this. That you can wonderfully be your unique beautiful self, with all the potential that is in you.

With all my love, Evelien