Pay what you want

'Pay what you want' is a beautiful way to express your appreciation
No strings attached.
Experience it.
Feel the shift within you.
And exchange energy in a way that suits you.

Step-by-step year-long course
When you start your journey at you get a year-long course.
Every day you receive an audio or video, ranging from 10-20 minutes. A meditation, information, exercizes and experiences.
This journey brings you the expansion of your consciousness and a deep connection to your body, mind and Higher Consciousness.

As an energy exchange for the value you receive, you are able to pay what you want. One time, or monthly.

Work with what is going on in your life: courses for several topics
Whatever happens in your life right now is the perfect entrance for more personal growth. When you use every experience and the feelings that experience brings up, to reprogram yourself, you not only find immediate relief within the situation you are in, but you also use it as a flywheel to set yourself of to your next level.
When something occurs, like illness, relationship problems, difficulties with work or money, addiction or whatever, you pause your coretrack and you pick the 12-day-course that suits you right now.
After those days you just continue on your coretrack-journey, feeling even more enriched and strenghtened.
These courses will soon be available for you to subscribe, or pay for every course you choose. In this way we can exchange the energy for it to flow freely. More information to come.

Sign up and start your journey