You deserve a
powerful life
The is made with love by:
Yes Creation BV
Ooiweg 7
7312 AK Apeldoorn, Netherlands
+31 6 51 02 84 53
That’s why The Source is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ method but an organic, attuned journey that unfolds at your pace, aligned with your consciousness and needs:
What makes The Source unique is that you are fully guided while having the freedom to follow your own path.
You can choose the CoreTrack—a structured, in-depth process that takes you step by step. Or you can explore the side paths—deeper courses that you intuitively follow based on where you are now.
Whichever route you choose: everything brings you back Home.
The CoreTrack is the heart of The Source:
a structured journey that guides you daily in remembering who you truly are and releasing old conditioning.
A fully guided journey in three phases:
1. Awakening – Discover who you truly are and connect with your Essence.
2. Navigating – Live your human experience from a completely new perspective.
3. Mastery – Free yourself from limitations and embody your highest potential.
What makes this track unique:
1. Daily guidance – You are taken step by step through a deeply transformative process.
2. Direct transmissions – Not just information but a profound energetic transfer.
3. From awakening to embodiment – Not ‘learning’ but fully experiencing and living who you truly are.
The CoreTrack is currently in beta
and will soon be fully available
in new version of The Source App.
The SideTracks are designed to complement the CoreTrack, offering focused journeys into specific themes that support your growth and expansion.
These courses are not linear—you follow what resonates with you, at your own pace, based on where you are in your journey.
A journey of exploration and integration
Beyond the CoreTrack, the SideTracks allow you to dive deeper into areas of life that call for your attention. Whether foundational or thematic, each course is an invitation to expand your consciousness, integrate new insights, and embody your True Essence.
What makes the Side Tracks unique:
1. Flexible Exploration – Choose the course that resonates with you, whenever you feel called.
2. Energetic Depth – Not just knowledge, but deep transformational experiences and activations.
3. Aligned with Your Journey – Each course is designed to meet you exactly where you are, supporting your growth in the most natural way.
These courses help you (re)connect with the core of who you are.
They provide a strong energetic foundation that supports all other aspects of your life.
1. Remember who you truly are – Reconnect with your Higher Self and the infinite wisdom within.
> Read more... or > Start now on Insight Timer (soon in The Source App)
2. Seeing through this reality – Shift your perception and awaken to the truth beyond the illusion.
> Read more... or > Start now on Insight Timer (soon in The Source App)
3. Seeing through the illusion and living from your Higher Purpose – Discover your Divine mission and align with your Essence's true calling.
> Read more... or > Start now on Insight Timer (soon in The Source App)
These courses focus on key life areas, offering deep transformation, healing, and expansion:
1. Mind & Consciousness – Discover how to reprogram your mind and expand your awareness.
> Explore the courses...
2. Trauma & Transformation – Unlock frozen potential and heal deeply.
> Explore the courses...
3. Creation & Manifestation – Master the art of conscious creation with the energy of Source.
> Explore the courses...
4. Physical & Mental Well-being – Health, vitality, and inner harmony.
> Explore the courses...
5. Relationships & Connection – Authentic connections and family healing.
> Explore the courses...
6. Money & Abundance – From scarcity to flow and true freedom.
> Explore the courses...
7. The Divine Plan & Universal Truth – Align with the biggest picture and your highest purpose.
> Explore the courses...
Whether you choose a structured path or follow your intuition—
everything points you back to who you truly are.
Discover which course resonates with you right now
and take the next step on your journey of consciousness today.
Choose the path that resonates with you
—whether it’s the deep, structured CoreTrack
or one of the transformative SideTracks.
Your next step is just one click away.